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  • Address: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Email Address: Operations@emgeoglobal.com

Repatriation Service

Repatriation Service

Departure Assistance

Emgeo Global personalized departure assistance program is designed to help transferees leave a rental property with a minimum of effort or at short notice. Emgeo Global aim is to minimize the cost to the corporate client while minimizing time and effort for the transferee. 

Assistance is tailored to the specific tenancy situation but typically includes:

  • Lease termination negotiations.
  • Written notice to the realtor and/or landlord.
  • Security deposit/bond refund negotiations.
  • Disconnection of utilities.
  • Coordination of cleaning of residence.
  • Coordinate deregistration with FRRO/ return of RP.
  • Re-direction of mail (where available).

Cultural Awareness and Integration

Intercultural Training

Emgeo Global customized intercultural training programs help your employees develop their cultural awareness and understanding. These programs support a positive international working experience, whether at home or on assignment. Our programs will integrate your relocating employees and their families into a new location quickly, reducing the potential stress of international assignments and the risk of ‘culture shock.

Activities and topics can include:

  • Blend of academic research and practical applications
  • Definitions & models of culture
  • Understanding cultural differences
  • Self-awareness testing/sense of cultural awareness
  • How culture impacts on belief systems
  • Personal and family “Culture Shock” and effective coping strategies
  • Recognizing workplace behaviours, hierarchy, power distance etc.
  • Knowledge of local history, politics, etiquette, norms etc.
  • Differences between cultures and their impact on workplace behaviour

Language Training

Emgeo Global liaise with the transferee to ascertain individual needs and coordinate the entire process, arrange an appropriate tutor to enable the transferee to learn the local language (spoken). Entire assessment and coordination are in accordance with the established transferee needs, corporate relocation policy and budget. The program includes liaison with the transferee, email confirmation on final arrangements and updates to the corporate client.