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  • Address: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Email Address: Operations@emgeoglobal.com

Expense Management

Expense Management

Emgeo Global Expense Management System

Emgeo Global can provide corporate clients with a global view of on-assignment cost per transferee and a full on-assignment expense report to the client’s Tax Agency for calculating the end of year ‘Personal Income Tax’. Our services include approval of expense claims and third party invoices according to international assignment policies and individual assignment letters; manage client fund disbursements to transferees or payment to third party vendors; financial budget tracking; payment notifications to client’s Accounts Payable; and perform payroll notification.

Using Emgeo Global in-house expense management system Global Expense Manager to help with expense tracking:

  • Store expense data safely in a robust accounting system
  • A comprehensive list of ‘Expense Descriptions’ by categories
  • Multi-currency capability
  • Bank reconciliation on client funds
  • Allocate expense transactions against the appropriate transferee
  • Budget Module – to manage financial budgets per transferee
  • Assignment Module – to attach expense transaction against transferee’s current assignment type
  • Accommodation Module – to attach housing and temporary accommodation transaction against individual property address for the end of year housing tax report
  • Import Historical and On-going Expense Module – Client can provide Emgeo Global with historical transferee transactions, other on-going compensations, and home India expenses for incorporating into Emgeo Global Expense Manager to provide the client with a global view of full on-assignment cost per transferee.
  • Able to provide ‘Detail Line Item Expense Report’ by transactional currency
  • Ability to convert transactional currency into a client nominated reporting currency for regional/global reporting